Indonesian Trade Attaché in Canberra Facilitates Exports of Indonesian Coconut Sugar to Australia

Indonesian Trade Attaché in Canberra Agung Haris Setiawan witnessed the cooperation agreement on the export of Indonesian coconut sugar to Australia.

The signing of this cooperation agreement was carried out by PT Inti Agro Solution (Global Coco Sugar) in Jakarta with the importing company Import United Ausindo Pty. Ltd in South Victoria.

“Signing of a cooperation agreement between PT Inti Agro Solution (Global Coco Sugar) and Import United Ausindo Pty. Ltd using Privy, a native Indonesian digital signature provider which is currently operating in the Australian market,” said Haris in his statement, Thursday (6/6 /2024).

Agung said that the legality of digital signatures is an important part for industry players in Australia.

“The legality of agreement documents, as we all know, is very important in doing business,” said Agung in a written statement quoted Thursday, June 6 2024.

Haris added that this collaboration is very profitable for both parties from a business perspective and it is hoped that more Indonesian companies will expand to Australia.

From the contents of the agreement, Global Coco Sugar appointed Import United Ausindo as the agent to promote and build the market for smooth sales in Australia.

“We have been greatly helped by the digital signature application which has facilitated cross-border signing. “We also hope that through this collaboration coconut sugar products from Indonesia can be known to a wider audience, especially the Australian market,” said Global Director of Coco Sugar, Rifqi Hermawan.

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VP Solution Architect Privy Rizky Sulistio said that the agreement document guaranteed legal validity in both Indonesia and Australia.

“Once this document is signed by both parties, the contents of the cooperation agreement cannot be changed at all. “This means that the integrity of the contents of the agreement is irrefutable and its validity is guaranteed,” said Rizky.
